MD Transfers
Target Acquired can assist you with your MD handgun and long gun transfers.
All transfers are conducted BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Target Acquired offers flexible appointment times. Please call or email for details, or to set up your appointment today.
As of October 1, 2013, MD now requires a Handgun Qualification License in order to purchase a handgun. You can find the link on the Maryland State Police website here:
Maryland Handgun Qualification License
Transfer Fees
Handgun: $60.00 plus MD approved lock (if needed).
Please note: If your handgun is new, MD requires a fired casing for the Integrated Ballistics Identification System. If the manufacturer does not supply a fired casing, there will be an additional charge for the service.
Long Gun: $40.00 plus lock (if needed).
Please note: Transfers for regulated rifles/”assault long guns”/banned rifles, as outlined in the Firearm Safety Act of 2013, WILL NOT be accepted.
Please contact Target Acquired with any questions you may have.